Matt Rogers

Matt Rogers

Senior Product Designer, WillowTree

Matt is a Senior Product Designer with a focus on building products, teams, and dialogue for an increasingly diverse and connected world. He’s dedicated to user-centered, accessible design, as well as addressing disparity and inequality in tech.

🗓️ Matt’s talk:

Face ID Not Recognized: Designing for an Ever-Evolving User Base

Track A (Upstairs), Friday 11:00 am - 11:10 am

In the early days of tech, those designing and developing products very closely resembled their users - in identity, in expertise, in experience. But in today’s new reality, as more of the world becomes everyday users of tech, it’s impossible for any single designer to reflect all of their users. In order to make sure we understand, empathize and address the needs of our users, we have to take a new approach by (1) building diverse and collaborative teams, (2) conducting user interviews and testing, and (3) advocating for accessibility and inclusivity. Through these efforts, we can ensure that our teams are solving the problems and improving the lives of all users - not just those that look, sound, and think like us.


Matthew Eng


Mary Fran Thompson