Lexi Namer

Lexi Namer

Creative Director, Echobind

Lexi is a design leader passionate about creating ethical and beautiful products for the digital space. A communicator first and foremost, her philosophy is to break down barriers between the technical and non-technical. She’s been a freelancer for over a decade and her expertise is multidisciplinary. An advocate accessible education, Lexi has taught design since 2015. She was a Roy H. Park Fellow at the UNC School of Media and Journalism, where she holds her master’s degree in interactive media. She currently leads the design team at Echobind and is working on her doctorate at NC State, focused on ethical-centered design.

🗓️ Lexi’s talk:

Hey Designers, We Need to Talk about Ethics

Track B (Downstairs), Thursday 2:00 pm - 2:45 pm

As designers, it is our job to create products that are safe and ethical, but most of us are never taught to ask if the products we design could be used to cause harm. We are seeing the catastrophic consequences of tech’s move fast and break things culture, and while we design with empathy and a human-centered approach, it doesn’t automatically mean that our designs are free from harm. We need to learn how to adapt our design practices to be ethically-centered. This talk will introduce a centralized repository of resources for ethical design and explore how we as designers can start to anticipate potential harmful before our products go to market.


Lorena Burcher


Johnny Ross